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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 Norman 24 v 27

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mad Harold Posted - 27 Aug 2023 : 11:11:03
Looking at ads for N24 and N 27 both outboard powered and seeking some opinions.
Have owned two rear cockpit Normans and cruised and did locks ok singlehanded.
Both boats are a similar price although the 27 is better equipped and is in ovrall better condition, my concern is the 27 as the cockpit looks a bit cramped and looks more awkward to get in and out of.The engine looks more difficult to get at too.
What are the opinions of the Forum?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mad Harold Posted - 29 Aug 2023 : 13:45:38
Thanks for the reply DF.Have looked at the centre cockpit boat and think an aft cockpit would be better for a single hander.Aft cockpit has more "office space" and would be easier when locking and mooring up.

df Posted - 29 Aug 2023 : 10:58:20
I've not been on a 27 but when I got my 25 realised the cockpit was a bit of a trick to get in and out, had a decrepit dog at the time so cut the aft cabin off, once fitted out and new canopy made it worked really well but not for the feint hearted.
You need to view and get in and out a few times before making a choice.

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