United Kingdom
5991 Posts |
Posted - 29 Mar 2020 : 20:41:49
We got a load of hand sanitiser delivered at work the other day, it seems there's a lot about that is alcahol free using benzalkonium chloride as it's active ingredient.
As soon as I heard alcahol free alarm bells started ringing so I got round to looking the stuff up today, it seems that although it claims to kill coronavirus and cites european centre for disease prevention and control the only mention I can find is relating to canine coronavirus, a related but different strain that is of no threat to us whatsoever, the american centre for disease control states the active ingredient as unreliable for covid19.
If you are using this stuff check the ingredients and don't let it lull you into a false sense of security, it 'may' work on covid19 but there is no evidence that it will and washing your hands with soap will likely be far more effective, a little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing!
I can see a lot of folk using this stuff in place of washing hands, DON'T!
And no your 80% proof vodka won't do it either as it's only 40% alcahol, you need at LEAST 60% to be effective.
NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community. Visit leomagill.co.uk |