A spot of reading for the lock down, not read it myself so don't yet know if it's any good but I believe theres boaty stuff from all over the place, definately some broads and gt.ouse/fens.
This is a scan (well two scans as copier wouldn't do it in one go) of a booklet found in a charity shop by one of the retired gt.ouse river inspectors, I asked if I could scan it for others to peruse which may be more use now seeing as lots of folk have lots of spare time, the images may be the wrong way up as they were facing opposite to the text and I had to turn them to scan properly.
Enjoy! (or not as the case may be, only one way to find out)
Hopefully after this little sh1tstorm has blown over the old boy will still be about in the pub so I can give it back and buy him a pint but his parkinsons is pretty bad now so I don't suppose his chances are in the top ten.