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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stratford4528 Posted - 08 Jan 2023 : 20:22:50
It's been some time ago that I visited this site. Now it looks dead
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mad Harold Posted - 13 Jan 2023 : 13:31:38
It has gone quiet, it is the time of year,but also whenever I have googled Norman Owners a flag comes up saying the conection is not safe.I can access the site by fiddling with the settings, but this may be a factor.
There is also a Facebook Norman owners page, but of course doesn't have the knowledge and experienced members that this one has.Scrolling through the list on the left there is an answer to just about any Norman question.
Am boatless at the moment,and having owned and 'fettled' three boats I have become a bit ' fussy' about the next.Looking for one that is ready to go and have not seen anything suitable (at least not one that is within my budget)
pete-preston Posted - 10 Jan 2023 : 16:04:04
Had to sell my boat last year, due to galloping old age, and am not able to keep up on the jobs that needed doing, but I still like checking the site just in case there is somthing I can help with.
Hope it will continue to flourish once the better weather starts.

p summerton
stratford4528 Posted - 09 Jan 2023 : 19:10:02
I use to use this site regularly but sadly my 32 hasn't seen water for over 5 years. Don't know when I can get a holiday on it next.
IanM Posted - 09 Jan 2023 : 17:28:07
Not dead, just slumbering a little.
It's never really been a hugely active forum.
df Posted - 09 Jan 2023 : 07:41:21
It's certainly gone quiet, time of year doesn't help but it seems to be the nature of forums.
I've added quite a few new members but sadly they all seem to lurk and not pop up and say hello and tell us about their boats/projects.

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