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 NORMAN 20 for sale

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
John Mason Posted - 24 Apr 2024 : 10:49:17
1982 with BSS till March 2027. 2 berth cabin set up as 2 bunk style beds/seats with mattresses and cushions with storage lockers underneath. Or it can be used as a double bed with alternative cushions and a centre frame. The cabin has a small tv with a DVD slot and there is a sun roof, a fan and 5 LED strip lights.The kitchen area has a 2 ring gas cooker and a small sink with a manual cold water pump. There is a closet with a shelf and access to fuses and electrical circuits. It can be used as an additional storage area or for the Porta Potty. The cockpit has 2 helm seats with left hand steering and controls. There are 2 bench seating areas with vinyl covered cushions and storage lockers underneath for 2 batteries, water tank and fuel tank. It is powered by a 25 HP Yamaha 2 stroke long shaft outboard motor. The boat has been renovated, refurbished and equipped for immediate use by us and used for the last 6 years as a week-at-a-time holiday boat. The hood is serviceable but not pristine. The side screens are slightly opaque. It is also suitable as a day boat. It is currently stored at our home on an SBS 2 wheel easy loader galvanised braked trailer (road legal). If required the trailer can be purchased separately. We can deliver at cost.


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