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 Norman 20 parts for sale

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
FloridaBoy Posted - 10 Jul 2021 : 22:21:31
Hello Norman fans,

I have recently acquired a large collection of Norman 20 parts that were stripped from the boat over 30 years ago and stored in a house. My father-in-law has dementia and I found this site when I was hoping to take on the restoration project. Unfortunately, his brother died suddenly and the house was sold before I could rescue the boat from the shed in his garden :(
I considered looking to by a Norman that needed some work but I have decided to move back to Florida in the near future so that won't work.

I'm not sure of the best way to sell the parts on here as it is a long list. If you are looking for something in particular please drop me a message here or by jamie_winter@hotmail.com

I will gladly email an inventory list(not compiled just yet) and accept fair offers for items. To give you an idea, the boat was stripped back to the bare shell, even the windows removed, and I'm sure I have pretty much everything they came off of it, inside and out.

Thanks, Jamie

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
FloridaBoy Posted - 10 Oct 2021 : 21:14:18
Hopefully this list is not too long for this forum. Here is what I have left:
Main Cabin (internal)
Portable toilet (Blue loo)
cooking stove/camping stove-gas power
cabin lights (various)
Escape/Safety hatch
steering wheel (metal ship style)
Control levers
captain seats (orange/white vinyl)
Midland Radio
whip antennas
Rear cabin/deck
Bench seat cushions (white/ gold piping) port/starboard
life jackets
life rings
Hangers for inflatable raft
Haiti 220 Inflatable raft (swiss quality PVC)
Boat/rope hooks x3
landing ladders
External parts
front cabin windows frames and glass - 1 cracked
sliding side window frames port/star only 1 with glass
stern light
anchor light
navigation light
steaming light
spot lights x2
6" searchlight
6" cleats x4
4" cleats x2
Fuel cap x2
water filler cap
Bow spit roller plate
windscreen wipers
boat number mounts
lightweight anchor
eyelets x4
chrome finned exhaust vent covers
Vetus mosquito screen for Genius 50x50
stanchion fittings
Various chrome strips (not sure for what !)
pics available via email.

FloridaBoy Posted - 10 Oct 2021 : 21:00:34
Hi Jud,
Sorry it's taken so long to reply on here, I had about 6 people from here contact me via email, so I've been dealing with that and didn't think to check back here. I have sold quite a few of the bits but still have a lot left.

I do not have a canopy, but I do have Nav lights and a metal steering wheel. If you can email me on jamie_winter@hotmail.com I can send you a list of the remaining items and some photos of the lights and wheel.(file uploiad size here is rather small)


jud Posted - 30 Aug 2021 : 04:16:24
Hi Jamie. What sort of parts have you got mate? I need a better canopy, a set of nav lights, maybe a decent wheel for my helm. I'm sure that if you tell us what you're selling we'd buy all of it between us!

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