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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 Postings on various menu headings.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mad Harold Posted - 30 Dec 2020 : 09:06:21
Been looking through the old Norman Register and other headings that I havn't looked at before.
What a lot of material!
Lost count of the number of Normans on the old register.Don't know how old they are,as the posts are not dated.I wonder if the boats and owners are still around.They don't post on the forum seemingly.
It was a very interesting hour scrolling through the various headings.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
df Posted - 02 Jan 2021 : 08:49:41
Out of the pub - only till we are allowed back in.
Away from dodgy women - You've never met my Mrs. then.
Date format sorted, when looking for an example it was a bit spooky as a demo database example at w3schools site spat my date of birth out at the top of the list.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
Mad Harold Posted - 02 Jan 2021 : 08:44:54
Good on you lad.
I can see you have a lot of work to do.
Still,it may keep you out of the pub,and away from dodgy women!
df Posted - 01 Jan 2021 : 15:01:49
I think there's nearly 300 in the old register, some may be doubled up with different owners and different boatnames for the same boat but it would be a massive job to work it out. (and I can't be arsed )
Datestamps are an idea for the New register, the images get a date/time stamp when uploaded so that info could be included, I could maybe add a "last changed" date field to the write up section, something to think about....

EDIT: Datestamps now added in the new register, hover over the index image in the register and you should get the date last edited show up, hover over the thumbnails in the individual entries and you should get the date uploaded shown, last edit date now shows under the write up section, each full size image now has date uploaded shown below.
This will give a better idea in the future with a bit of a timeline.
Next job is to work out how to show dates in UK format....

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk

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