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 For Sale & Wanted
 NORMAN 23' For Sale ( Canada Goose ) £9,500.00.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DAVID JAMES Posted - 22 Apr 2024 : 13:07:47
Good morning everyone, its time to let someone else enjoy Canada Goose. I have owned her for six years, but my age (70yrs) and joints are telling me to let go. The hull was painted and a stainless steel plate was attached to the transom two years ago. The engine is a 15hp Mariner, and has never let me down,
and it is moored on the Gloucester to Sharpness canal. This boat is still being used on a regular basis, and will be until sold. ( Just turn the key and your away.) I've had quite a few trips on the river Severn and River Avon from Tewkesbury with no worries. There are many extras included together with working solar panel, and two 12ltr petrol tanks.
A stack full of receipts are included because it has been loved and looked after. Six year old photos of CANADA GOOSE can be found on this site from when I first bought it, and I'm looking to sell it for
£9,500. I'm on it next weekend with my wife, and whenever the weather
is going to be a bit kinder to us. Regards Dave.

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