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 Rm 69 marine toilets.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
philihun Posted - 09 Jan 2021 : 11:43:12
I have for sale 2 x RM 69 standard marine toilets complete with pumps. Both in great condition. One is still fitted and i cant get it off until Lockdown ends. They are sea toilets or to a holding tank. As i only do canals and Rivers it makes sense for me to have porta Pottys.They have a similar footprint to Jabsco's as well , a couple of holes to drill it seems.Check the websites and the pump alone is about £85. I want £60 for the pair complete which in my mind is a bargain. Think on it will be March inshalla before you get them due to Covid. Makes sense to collect at SYBC in Heck N yorks .Midway between Doncaster and Selby. Could post at a push, probably £ 20 - 30 .

pr hunt

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