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T O P I C    R E V I E W
trevork Posted - 17 Aug 2006 : 13:34:19
Broadcut Marine BSS Examiners, Surveyors and repairs (recommended)


Call James on 07855 930051 (preferred) or Andy on 07855 782499

The yard number is 01924 270070


Paul Bullen
Marine Surveys & Boat Safety Examinations
Tel: 01480 462 735
Fax: 01480 395 218
Mobile: 07702 387 867

Based in Huntingdon & St Ives area on the Great Ouse. Covers most of Cambs.
Helpful, friendly, reliable and punctual.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tigtog Posted - 09 Nov 2010 : 22:56:11

John Amos contact details
tigtog Posted - 02 Nov 2010 : 22:56:19
i have just used John Amos, he is based in Marlow, passed my norman 20 i just needed to change some electrical connectors, did this while john filled the paperwork out.
I highly reccommend John really helpful and a wealth of information.
trevork Posted - 14 Jun 2009 : 16:33:11
Frank Hollman offers 10% discount to Norman owners for BSC examinations.


ianfossett Posted - 19 Jul 2007 : 12:09:06
Hi very new to boating just bought our first, a Norman 25.She has a current BSS that expires early next year.I was wondering what the cost of renewal would be, cant seem to find any referance to to approximate cost on the net. Capsicum is pretty simple, no heating no hot water, just a cooker and 12v lighting . Great web site by the way ...........Ian
df Posted - 17 Aug 2006 : 18:24:19
I can second the Paul Bullen recomendation.
Also add 'uses common sense not the word of the rulebook'

Nice hat!

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit haddocks-revenge.co.uk
IanM Posted - 17 Aug 2006 : 15:56:14
Paul Bullen
Marine Surveys & Boat Safety Examinations
Tel: 01480 462 735
Fax: 01480 395 218
Mobile: 07702 387 867

Based in Huntingdon & St Ives area on the Great Ouse. Covers most of Cambs.
Helpful, friendly, reliable and punctual.

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