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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cliveshep Posted - 03 Jan 2021 : 06:41:17
Someone on Facebook asking a question "how do I remove a 3.0 litre engine from a speed boat?"

Now as it is too big to pick up and carry most of us would have come to the logical conclusion which is get some mechanical advantage. Chain block off a strong tree, bridge, garage lifting beam, find a friendly digger driver or farm tractor owner, use a crane or hire a gantry and a chain block - the list of possibilities is almost endless and most 5 year olds could come up with a sensible answer.

I'm not 5 years old, I'm a super intelligent vastly experienced 75 year old. So I told him what to do.

"Pick the boat up, turn it upside down and shake it!"

Well, it would work, wouldn't it?



Finally living the dream!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mad Harold Posted - 03 Jan 2021 : 13:39:27
There are some advantages in having an outboard powered boat!
df Posted - 03 Jan 2021 : 07:21:01
I recon that would work well, probably a few little other issues though mostly with the risk asessment....
When I lifted my volvos out and back in I did it on the water as they had to come up off the beds then forward by 18" to line up with the sunroof before lifting partway then swinging sideways to just clear the sunroof hole, at half a ton each it is safer to do it with the boat mobile, it was the yards crane with polyester strops through the roof to a chainblock and a cable winch back to the lazarette opening to control the forward swing once they cleared the beds, it was all very tense till they were safely sat on blocks on the quay, then they only just fitted in the vw transporter I had borrowed from work, that was a very careful 90 mile drive I can tell you, poor little van had never carried so much weight.
This is the hole they had to go through.

These are not small or light.

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