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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dave F Posted - 31 Dec 2020 : 09:26:39
Seasons Greetings Boaters.
Has anyone renewed the two wooden strips on a Norman's hull,
If so, how easy do the old ones come off, how are the new ones attached to the hull, and what timber is the best to use for replacements.
Any advice much appreciated,
Dave F. 31/12/2020.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dave F Posted - 02 Jan 2021 : 08:48:31
Thanks both. I may just tidy up the last meter towards the stern, which are rotton. The rest I could probably get away with a good varnish.
Many thanks
Dave F

philihun Posted - 31 Dec 2020 : 13:13:18
On my Norman 27 the strips were full length hardwood strips of i do know not. What i do know is i crunched the forward 12 inches of the lower one on one side. Cut it back about a metre, so it exposed 2 screws. Then Had to cut the screws out with a drill and a disc cutter, Result 2 old holes with screw inside .Covered with sealant then drilled 2 more holes to fit a 1 metre strip. Unless you are a real enthusiast, you will spend a lot of time and money to gain bugger all in value, plus they don't work that good anyway.

pr hunt
df Posted - 31 Dec 2020 : 09:51:45
When I did the ones on Haddocks revenge I changed them for rubber (edpm) D fendering and glued solid neoprene in the ends to seal, I ran strips of aluminium down the inside of the D with regular tapped holes with studs through and fitted nuts inside.
I'm sure the originals were just screwed with self tappers from the outside with wooden plugs over the screw heads.

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