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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 So here we all are in your new home????

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cliveshep Posted - 08 Dec 2020 : 08:19:28
Where are the choccie biscuits or Jaffa cakes to celebrate then?

Congrats anyway Dave, you shifted it all over with no losses it seems. Well done!

All it needs now is for the members to support the site more fully! They are quick to post when their boat is sinking because the chewing gum and gaffer tape failed to hold the transom together but once they've nailed it back on they all go quiet again!

Finally living the dream!
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
philihun Posted - 11 Dec 2020 : 13:14:47
Wife's who want a better boat mate. It will ring a bell for lot's of folk.

pr hunt
df Posted - 11 Dec 2020 : 12:36:24
Whats WWWABB then? I'm sure the answer will make me feel stupid but that's not unusual.
The site should be around for a while yet, I have 3 years paid up on this host.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
philihun Posted - 11 Dec 2020 : 12:03:48
Sorry about that. Last 2 attempts fizzled out , like my picture attempts.lol

Now got a Viking 32 cc as my Norman 27 failed the WWWABB.

Loved the Norman, 1st boat i owned and carried us around for 3000

miles in 5 years. Last seen going to Lancashire pre covid.

Hope this site stays alive, it has character's on it.

pr hunt
philihun Posted - 11 Dec 2020 : 11:34:08
testing testing

pr hunt
Mad Harold Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 07:57:49
I used to dream about being 11 stone!
I won't need as much ballast as you.
df Posted - 09 Dec 2020 : 02:04:22
Ta Clive, I like to think of it as "ballast adjustment", in my defense I'm still just under 11 stone so not going to panic any time soon.
And where back in the room, DNS seems to be sorted so normanboats.co.uk is pointing to here now, will have to get it changed as primary domain at some point but at least I can give ionos the heave ho now, I recon that would make Trevor happy as he hated trying to get help from them.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
cliveshep Posted - 08 Dec 2020 : 21:11:27

Finally living the dream!
df Posted - 08 Dec 2020 : 12:40:04
Every boaty forum goes quiet this time of the year and this one is fairly quiet anyway.
About the cakes..... I ate them! (not kidding! It's my birthday today and I've been a porker.)
It's not fully sorted as I am waiting to get the nameservers changed, it's fine via normanboats.net but the normanboats.co.uk domain is down at the moment till namesco sort it for me, they are much better at service than ionos.
Once the other domain points here existing bookmarks should work the same, the site is now hosted by hostgator for a lot less money.
I have quite a few tweeks to carry on with but it will get there, Trevor now has his own spot on the bottom button instead of 4 separate links mainly as it made it look like they were my pages now.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk

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