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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 Cristian would like some info.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
df Posted - 31 Oct 2020 : 19:31:22
This is an email from Cristian, maybe one for Clive, I believe an Inter 630 would be a Norman 20.


My name is Cristian Paun, I am from Bucharest, Romania.
I want to ask you if you can help me , please.
I Intend to buy a boat, Inter 630 from Poland.
I like very much this kind of boat. It's look very seaworthy.
I don't find anywhere the dimensions (technical draw) for cabin and cockpit. I wonder if the rear side has more than 1.90 metres from the exterior cabin wall till to the end of cockpit. I have 1.83 m tall and I wonder if I can lie down for a nap in this area.
Please, can you help me with some technical data?

Thank you,
Cristian Paun, Bucharest Romania,
amator sailor from Danube delta and Black Sea.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
df Posted - 02 Nov 2020 : 15:28:06
Tell him like Harold says that there is loads of space for him to stretch out and sleep and even room for a big dog at his feet.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
Mad Harold Posted - 31 Oct 2020 : 23:31:32
If the Inter 630 is a Norman 20,as I have one I can tell you that I can lie down in the cabin on the left side easily.I am 1.75mtr and on the left side there is the toilet compartment and with my head against it when lying down,my feet are just underneath the foredeck.there is probably another two foot of space although it does taper to the bow.
Less space on the right because of the sink and drainer,but enough to lie down with your feet into the bow.
If the cockpit has a captain's seat and passenger seat then no,you won't be able to lie down there.
Remove the Captain'seat and there is enough room to lie down on the left,but not the right,because the gas locker takes up a bit of space.

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