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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 My Dad can't get his leg over

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david67 Posted - 16 Aug 2020 : 14:26:37
I have a Norman 20 Conquest and my Dad finds it really difficult getting in and out due to having to climb over side panel next to the seat. At this point I should point out that I'm in the building trade and capable of doing almost anything. I'm considering cutting a section o side panel out from above the gunwhales to make a small door. I dont think it would have a negative effect on the structural integrity of the boat. Anyone done this or have any views on it ? Cheers , David
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
df Posted - 24 Aug 2020 : 07:38:10
If it still had the mariner on the back an absolute bargain, I got £6300 for that old tub.
I would guess the upholstery is pretty knackered by now if not redone.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
adi-n-chez Posted - 23 Aug 2020 : 22:02:45
Just checked my History - 3K lol - It was £1600 !!

I would have run from that sale .............


Sewer Tubes ? I'd rather have a D**ncr*ft (Only Kidding)
adi-n-chez Posted - 23 Aug 2020 : 20:40:13

A few yrs ago The Haddocks revenge came up for sale on Ebay (Moored at Colwick I think?) I won her on a ridiculously low bid (No reserve sale) cant remember what but maybe 3k - Seller refused to respond & pulled boat from sale....

Could have saved me a fortune with a new craft if he had honored the sale !


Sewer Tubes ? I'd rather have a D**ncr*ft (Only Kidding)
df Posted - 18 Aug 2020 : 21:41:31
Your idea of the gunwhale door would be a better plan, just do the bit above deck though or you will be getting structural, maybe glass a wooden spar just under the deck to reinforce.
The section removed could make the door.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
david67 Posted - 18 Aug 2020 : 21:33:26
yeah does look good. I'm not gonna go that far but I am gonna cut a whole in the aft cabin roof and fit a vinyl soft top. Had a moment of madness and almost bought a Creighton 27 centre cockpit with aft sundeck but thought better and decided to have my Mistress plonked on my drive for the winter to make some alterations. Time for a few drinks and a bit of planning !!!!!!!
df Posted - 17 Aug 2020 : 21:06:40
It ended up looking pretty good, this was the view from the cabin door into cockpit.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
david67 Posted - 17 Aug 2020 : 19:34:38
df, all my best decisions are made when drinking ! And I like your solution for the dog, exactly the kind of thing I'd do !!!!
df Posted - 16 Aug 2020 : 20:20:33
I had a dog that struggled when I bought a norman 25 on a drunken whim, it seems there is a solution but a bit drastic.....

As it happens after a good refit mostly planned in pubs it made better money when I sold it, not sure it would work so well on a 20' conquest.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
Mad Harold Posted - 16 Aug 2020 : 16:19:39
Probably better to make a "mounting block" Simply a suitable box or a couple of steps.If you do this it needs to be secure as it can be easy to kick it off the locker top,and take a tumble into the cockpit.
On my Norman 20,I have removed the captain's and passenger chairs because they get in the way when getting in and out.
I generally cruise with the hood down so standing behind the tiller is no problem.Getting in and out is of course much easier with the hood down.Cruising hood up in the rain I steer standing in the cabin entrance.

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