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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 Steering Tension

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
adi-n-chez Posted - 09 Aug 2020 : 17:43:03
Odd question, & no picture available.....

Do some steering wheels have a friction adjuster on them?

Unsure at present if heavy steering is due to steering ram being caked up due to no usage or something else.

Wheel seems to have a adjustable device on it - Didn't play with on yesterdays shakedown cruise in case it came off !!

Mariner outboard friction is on minimum but steering is not what I expected.

Guess I should know after a lifetime of boating, but this is a little more modern than I am used too


Sewer Tubes ? I'd rather have a D**ncr*ft (Only Kidding)
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
philihun Posted - 13 Aug 2020 : 20:27:18
Small world innit. I also swapped my Norman for a Viking 32 cc. Love the headroom as well as i'm 6'2. Like aidi-n-chez says the fridge and the steering can create probs.Heavy steering for one and a fridge that defrosts in the night lol. Met a bloke in Saxilby yesterday who is stuck wrong side of the collapsed lock. Bin told might be a month.

pr hunt
df Posted - 12 Aug 2020 : 12:02:31
Oh bu55er!
My only issue is bridges at high water, when it's not too hot I call on the radio and they move them reedham I can get under at hw with a quick fold down anyway, haven bridge at gt.yarmouth I can fold and go under at half time or less or just book a lift the previous day.
I couldn't cope with ditch crawling, there's bridges on the northern broads that get in my way but I rarely go that way anyway so can live with that.
I wonder if I could strap my boat under reedham bridge and ask for a lift to get a hull inspection........

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
adi-n-chez Posted - 12 Aug 2020 : 11:19:09

We were / are planning for a trip down the Trent the week before the bank hol.

However some bright spark has decided to do a hull inspection in Meadow Lane lock in Notts using straps under the hull to the mooring bollards (Sound familiar? A old wooden tub from the past.... )

Lock wall is now in the bottom of the chamber & Navigation closed

Suspect it will not open in time so will be looking at other options I guess.....


Sewer Tubes ? I'd rather have a D**ncr*ft (Only Kidding)
df Posted - 12 Aug 2020 : 09:54:36
Looking good Adi, gotta be more comfy for a bloke your height, now you just have to get out and enjoy it.
I still don't miss locks one little bit, they are all yours!

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
adi-n-chez Posted - 11 Aug 2020 : 13:36:49

She's a Viking 32,not as sturdy as the old 22, but certainly more headroom!


Sewer Tubes ? I'd rather have a D**ncr*ft (Only Kidding)
cliveshep Posted - 11 Aug 2020 : 04:29:27
Looks nice and looks like a Norman so what is it? Atlanta? Viking? I'm not well up on these newer narrow-beam grp boats. Been inboard for far too long until we emigrated to here.

Finally living the dream!
adi-n-chez Posted - 10 Aug 2020 : 23:11:15

We are indeed very well (Although I am feeling older!)

2016 was our last outing on the 22 - Sold last year in a sorry state... Although the restoration is going well (Rotten Transom after 52yrs!)

The Mortgage Endowment was always for a new boat (A small Sewer tube Chez said!) Luckily she has decided that our pittance is better suited to a GRP cruiser

So here she is ...........

Not a Norman unfortunately........... But Happy so far..... (apart from the fridge n steering!)

I now have to approach Trevor for a Guest Boat application I guess


Sewer Tubes ? I'd rather have a D**ncr*ft (Only Kidding)
df Posted - 09 Aug 2020 : 21:04:49
A lot do have friction control but if a cable gets to the point it jumps a tooth it's bu55ered and needs replacing as it will jam soon if left, I found that out on day two of a two week holiday back in 2013 on Leo, luckily got lent a car to get to asap supplies and changed cable and helm and carried on for a good run, if one's knackered the other is close so change both as it's cheaper in the long run.
Some modern helm gears have a friction lock that stops the engine steering the helm and makes a straighter line while you go for a wee... Was well worth a bit more for it as outdrives and outboards with gears in the lower section suffer from torque reaction and will move the steering if left.
Good to hear you still about Adi, all well with both of you I hope.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk

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