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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
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trevork Posted - 13 Jul 2020 : 13:26:20
I'm hoping you can help me with this query.

I have recently bought a boat which, after a lot of searching, I believe is a Dejon 17 and I understand that Norman Boats manufactured the Dejon models.
Do you know around what date the Dejon 17 was produced as I am trying to put an age to my boat?
I attach a couple of photographs in the hope this might help.
Any information you can provide would be much appreciated.
Kind regards.

Jason Dowers.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fred Posted - 14 Jul 2020 : 21:34:47
The www.jonesboatyard.co.uk site has some good pictures of the Dejon 17 but no further information. They do show the unusual covered outboard well. Cracking little boat!

df Posted - 14 Jul 2020 : 15:30:08
That outboard well looks to be nothing like any dejon or norman I've seen, is it actually 17 foot long or is that just how it was described? Norman seems to be the goto name if unknown and sizes are often just guessed, tape measure time.

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Fred Posted - 14 Jul 2020 : 15:00:33
I've always been a bit sceptical about whether the Dejons were built by Norman but Graham Wheeldon (son of the Norman founder - Ernie) has this to say on the History page of this site:

At the height of the business 1971 -1973 the business employed around 200 people (approx 120 in boatbuilding) We employed around 70 glassfibre laminators of which around 30 were female.
The most boats we built in a week was 25. This included all models 18.5, 20, 23, 32, We also built the Dejon 14 for a while and renamed it the Norman 14.

Graham doesn't mention the 17 and neither of the Dejons appear in any Norman brochures. So apart from a brief note on the Norman Range page I can find no tangible evidence anywhere that that 17 was ever built by Norman.

It would sort of suggest (I think) that your 17 may be earlier than 1973 and built at the original S.S. Glass Fibre Designs works. That company went bust in 1975.

I'd almost forgotten what a wealth of information Trevor has amassed on this site over so many years.
Fred Posted - 14 Jul 2020 : 10:54:15
Like Clive, I've never come across a Dejon 17 before, only the early 1970s Dejon 14.
Full specs here of the 14 here and but no mention of any connection with Norman.

cliveshep Posted - 13 Jul 2020 : 17:22:56
I'd never heard of the Dejon 17, I knew about the bubble car of the boating world the Dejon 14. It appears it is nearer 18 ft than 17 - see specs here but no dates.


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