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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 fuel consumption

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MACH1 Posted - 16 Jun 2020 : 08:49:40
What fuel consumption should i be getting from a 20hp 4 stroke
pushing a norman 23, at 4mph i think i am doing 1 gallon an hour
is this about average or have i left the handbrake on ?

thanks Doug

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MACH1 Posted - 22 Jun 2020 : 05:07:55

philihun Posted - 19 Jun 2020 : 19:32:55
Plastic mate, 93 ltr capacity. Which came as a suprise because Viking 32's offered 25 ltrs or extended range 50 ltr plastic tanks when they built it.
It means my boat has nearly as much petrol as water when full. Wonder if he got mixed up when filling up.
Getting a bit Anorak i know but i bought it 3 days before the lockdown, so i have bin silver surfing and e mailing to get topside of things for 7 weeks before i could get on her. Got her cheap, since then £200 mates rates +filters and new fuel,very content.

pr hunt
df Posted - 19 Jun 2020 : 18:06:41
Metal or plastic tank? Metal tank with vent open can get a lot of condensation buildup.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
philihun Posted - 19 Jun 2020 : 17:55:10
Ref the Mariner efi , it was moored on the Thames for over a year without moving. So the impeller and lower end were full of salt snails and crap. Caused the overheat alarm to go off.
The bigger problem was water in the fuel???. Don't know how it got in , best guess
is the breather above the fuel filler, and somebody jet washing it to kill spiders lol.
BTW not my guess but the bloke that sorted all the filters, water traps out etc.

Second guess is somebody tipped it in the filler cap.

pr hunt
philihun Posted - 17 Jun 2020 : 16:56:22
My old Norman 27 averaged 12 miles per gallon, over say a 140 mile round trip. Some of it tidal and mostly between 4 and 6 mph. It was a square hood Honda 15 and engine wise never missed a beat in 3000 miles. Now got a boat with a Mariner 25 efi, conked twice in 10 miles of lockdown running.

pr hunt
df Posted - 17 Jun 2020 : 10:29:42
With a 20hp at 4mph I would imagine it's well backed off already, my figures are backed off, I wouldn't dare run for an hour at full throttle as my wallet would pop as badly as my ear drums would, 3300-3400rpm is plenty for cruising.
River speeds for me are 4-5mph at idle and about 6-7mph at 1200rpm.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
IanM Posted - 17 Jun 2020 : 08:10:16
If you back off the throttle a little you might find you use half the amount of fuel but only lose about 10% of the speed.
df Posted - 16 Jun 2020 : 22:00:51
If it's any consolation mine does 50 litres/hour, not at 4mph though.....

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
Mad Harold Posted - 16 Jun 2020 : 15:26:35
I assume you have the correct shaft length outboard (long shaft)
Mad Harold Posted - 16 Jun 2020 : 15:21:55
Surely you mean 1ltr per hour!
As has been said,check the choke,and also check for fuel leaks.Also check the prop for debris and also that it is not bent and useless.
pete-preston Posted - 16 Jun 2020 : 11:46:22
Hi Mach 1
Ihave a Honda 15 pushing a N23 on the Lancy canal and I use approx 1liter per hour !!! Suggest you get your carb checked out to see if the auto choke is sticking on or just running very rich. Also when was the boat last hauled out and the hull cleaned off ???
Good luck
Pete & Maggie (Kismet)
df Posted - 16 Jun 2020 : 10:41:02
At 4mph that sounds like a lot of fuel, did you leave your anchor out.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk

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