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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 water tanks

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MACH1 Posted - 28 May 2020 : 08:14:10
Hi as most of us havent seen our boats for a while i emptied the water tanks when we left it , is it best to sanitize the tanks ?
what is the best way , please

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
stratford4528 Posted - 29 May 2020 : 07:08:06
Home bargains do the cheapest bottles of sterilising fluid
cliveshep Posted - 29 May 2020 : 04:54:10
I used to sterilise my systems with a whole bottle of baby-bottle sterilising fluid, not necessarily Milton because you pay for the name but Tesco's own brand is just as good!

Fill up and leave a few hours, empty, flush and re-fill - all good to go then. If you have a calorifier your call, you can open the immersion boss on the top (turn the pump off first!) and chuck some in but few people drink the hot water anyway lol!

I just did the tank and ran water through the cold taps and let it sit for a few hours or even overnight. It took loads of water to do a first fill anyway, calorifier was pretty big on the Ocean 30, then there was the bilge tank that supplied water for hot and cold taps to sink, wash basin, shower for occupants of all 3 cabins - up to 7 people sleeping over.

Finally living the dream!
df Posted - 28 May 2020 : 12:55:50
If left empty I'd have thought a couple of fill/drain cycles should do it, mine is fairly full since march 20th and that's all I'll do.
And I'll take spare bog roll in case.....

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Mad Harold Posted - 28 May 2020 : 09:23:59
Rinse a couple of times using Milton baby bottle sterilising tablets.You can use the water with the sterilising tablets in,but it has a taste.

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