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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 Front Fairleads

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mfuller Posted - 24 Feb 2020 : 11:05:18
Hi All,

Anyone know if anywhere to get reasonable priced Fairleads for my Norman 20? The current ones are 85mm in length and falling apart. Looking at the place they are mounted, the maximum size would be 85mm. Most places are coming in at £49 a pair!


I can't seem to find any cheaper. Maybe there is an alternative name for them?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mfuller Posted - 27 Feb 2020 : 12:10:25
Interesting, thanks Clive.

Mine is located in a very different place. I'll remove the old ones and fill the wholes then relocate.

cliveshep Posted - 25 Feb 2020 : 07:41:52
Sorry - I also meant to say that the little "upstand" is a "toe-rail" designed to stop your feet - or anything else - sliding off the deck, and any gap in it is to allow drainage over the side and NOT for fitting cleats of fairleads. Those should be mounted inside of the toe-rail if the drainage break is small.

Finally living the dream!
cliveshep Posted - 24 Feb 2020 : 15:48:31
Re-locate them to a flat place. They should be on the boat's side where it starts to turn toward the bow, so something like 30cm, one foot in front of the front window. The idea is to direct the pull on the rope from the foredeck bollard or cleat via the fairlead to help hold the vessel alongside where a line off the bow would cause the stern to sheer and the bow swing in.

I've fitted those on several boats - including a couple of Normans - I'm wondering if you are putting them too close to the edge of the deck moulding? This is a picture of an 18.5's foredeck with a deck-filler for the bow water tank under the berth. You can see how the pulpit legs sit down on the flat area, the fairleads have not been fitted at the time of the picture but a position of choice would be just behind or just in front of the after-most leg of the split pulpit rail.

You don't put them on the very edge, mostly because they take a lot of strain and you need a decent pattress underneath to act as a spreader.

Finally living the dream!
Mfuller Posted - 24 Feb 2020 : 14:51:00
That look awesome, but I don't think they will fit?

Looking at where the current ones are, the deck is not flat. There's a 3-5mm ridge either side, so if it's more than 85mm it won't sit flat on the deck?
cliveshep Posted - 24 Feb 2020 : 14:38:30
ASAP - £18.24 incl vat per pair 115mm handed S/S fairleads.


Finally living the dream!

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