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 Tohatsu Prop positions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
trickyblue Posted - 19 Nov 2019 : 15:16:56
This might be a bone question, but as I am 200 odd miles away from my boat I cant test the outboard which I brought home to do a service on.
Ive changed the spark plugs, gear oil, engine oil and filter and also replaced the impeller.
The engine has only done 130 hrs running but is a couple of years old so as I had the lower unit off to inspect the impeller although it looked fine I thought I may as well change it anyway.
All reassembled now and my question is: In neutral prop spins freely in both directions by hand, in reverse it "locks" both clockwise and anti clockwise. In forward it locks anti clockwise but can be moved clockwise with a clicking or ratcheting noise, is this correct?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mad Harold Posted - 06 Aug 2020 : 14:57:27
Sounds as if it needs a good dose of looking at.
When the motor is tilted up,there is a locking catch port side near the mount.
If your motor has been mistreated,then perhaps the gear rod may have been bent.
Hope you get it sorted,best of luck.
trickyblue Posted - 06 Aug 2020 : 13:22:52
Yes I know about the mechanism. Mine was incorrectly assembled right from the factory.
There is a plastic block on the gear selector rod that should sit below the ratchet catch...on mine it is above!
There is a squared off section on the rod that I think the block is supposed to clamp around. The issue was made worse by a friend chocking the motor in the tilt position by jamming a wooden block in the mechanism for towing when we used the outboard on my Dory.
Mad Harold Posted - 06 Aug 2020 : 11:46:52
Thanks for the reply.
The engine shouldn't kick up in reverse.The Tohatsu has some sort of ratchet mechanism that locks it in the down position in neutral and reverse,but is free to swing up in forward gear.This is to prevent damage if the prop leg hits the bottom or a shopping trolley.Perhaps you need to check this function on your engine.
The best way to clear a blocked tell tale,is to use a length of plastic strimmer cord.Not wire! the tube is rubber and wire could damage it.
trickyblue Posted - 06 Aug 2020 : 10:37:25
Hi, although I had the lower unit off the gear rod was only disconnected at the double threaded nut on the rod. I didn't see any oil strainer, but then again I wasn't looking for one.
I did have a bit of an issue last time out with the boat though.
The dyke where I moor my boat is heavily silted and quite weedy, there isn't a lot of flow in and out so its basically a dead end.
As I was leaving the mooring I went into reverse and the revs climbed but engine didn't shift into reverse. In fact the engine kicked up out of the water quite violently.
After shutting down I tilted the engine and found the prop clogged with fibrous weed that took an age to shift. After that everything was fine until I noticed no water through the tell tale. Temperature gauge was reading OK, I was on the main river so nosed into some reeds and killed the engine again. A couple of tilts up and down of the engine and water was once more streaming through the tell tale. Can only assume the outlet had been clogged with the silt churned up in the dyke during the reversing episode.
df Posted - 03 Aug 2020 : 15:13:21

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
cliveshep Posted - 03 Aug 2020 : 15:00:55
Originally posted by df

Clive is still waiting for the dinosaurs to come back, he misses them....

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk

I used to miss them but then you came along Flinty old thing and quite distracted me!

Finally living the dream!
Mad Harold Posted - 02 Aug 2020 : 10:54:21
While you are here,I have a couple of queries about the Tohatsu outboard that you (having had the bottom off)could perhaps answer.
Mine has "through the prop exhaust"and I assume yours has too.
Is there a problem with it taking the bottom half off,and re-assembling?
The manual shows an oil srainer (a arrow pointing vaguely under the engine) but I'm damnned if I can find it!
Have you had it off? (The oil strainer)
Thanks for any info.
Mad Harold Posted - 02 Aug 2020 : 09:55:32
Have a 2018 Tohatsu on my boat and cleared a pototo sack from the prop yesterday,and don't think the prop would turn when in gear.I'll check when back on the boat.
You will have disconnected the gear rod taking the bottom off,and perhaps it is not now engaging the gear properly due to not being re-asembled as it came off.
Try undoing the gear rod and engaging gear with the bottom bit of the rod.
df Posted - 30 Jul 2020 : 06:24:07
Clive is still waiting for the dinosaurs to come back, he misses them....

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
cliveshep Posted - 30 Jul 2020 : 03:25:48
Originally posted by trickyblue

I realise its a bit late in the day now but just to confirm, the gears were sound.

No it's quite all right, our patience is legendary. Quite used to waiting the better part of 8 months for an answer.

Finally living the dream!
trickyblue Posted - 28 Jul 2020 : 20:09:52
I realise its a bit late in the day now but just to confirm, the gears were sound.
df Posted - 19 Nov 2019 : 18:56:29
There's a good chance it will start without but you won't be able to stop it in a hurry unless you pull a wire off the coil but it's best to let the carb run dry anyway, you could work the throttle and gear where the cables connect.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
trickyblue Posted - 19 Nov 2019 : 18:50:35
Sorry, yeah I know, obviously mine isn't a tiller operation, it's set up for remotes. The kill cord attaches at the throttle lever box and there's a wiring loom that runs from that to a plug on the engine.
So I guess the engine is expecting that plug to be connected with the kill cord in place to complete a circuit as it were.
So although the pull start is available, I was wondering if the thing would start without the expected wiring and kill in place.
philihun Posted - 19 Nov 2019 : 18:46:07
Ok, on the honda the cord is attached to the tiller arm. Which mine has got. + the remote and electric start. If you need it you then attach it to your wrist or belt loop , or lip. Jog on Phil.

pr hunt
trickyblue Posted - 19 Nov 2019 : 18:34:57
I know what it is...there's nowhere to put it.
Engine is here and the control box and wiring loom are 200 miles away lol.

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