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 Norman Boats
 Well My Norman has ...............?
 Jet drive

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stratford4528 Posted - 27 Dec 2018 : 13:32:52
I have mentioned this topic before but no one seems interested.
I am going to design and build a jet drive for my boat to get over the problem of shallow canals.
I would like to hear some comments
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mad Harold Posted - 06 Jun 2020 : 19:48:34
It looks as though it's on it's way.
For reverse,are you going to design some sort of "clamshells"I have seen these on smaller executive jet planes like the Cessna Citation which move over the jet exaust to provide reverse thrust.
Well done!
Revolvor Posted - 06 Jun 2020 : 18:21:22
Good progress! I will be interested to hear how you get on.

Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads!
df Posted - 06 Jun 2020 : 16:42:44
Looking good so far.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
stratford4528 Posted - 06 Jun 2020 : 16:23:34
Trevor thanks for putting my photo.s on. The first photo shows the engine on tick over and the second running at 1500 rpm. A lot of water being moved. The impeller is in only 10 inches of water and is sucking in air when it is running at 1500 rpm. When I have done further development it will not be sucking any air in. So its strip down now and modifications including steering and reversing
Originally posted by trevork

trevork Posted - 06 Jun 2020 : 16:10:35

Revolvor Posted - 05 Jun 2020 : 13:38:22
Looking forward to seeing the video!!

Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads!
df Posted - 04 Jun 2020 : 13:39:13
You'd need to put it on youtube or similar and use their link on here.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk
stratford4528 Posted - 04 Jun 2020 : 11:16:39
Can some one please tell me how to put a video on. I have done the first test on my jet drive.
cliveshep Posted - 04 Apr 2020 : 07:29:46
No shortage of spare jets about now to get bits from lol. Greta has got her own way and saved the environment with most aircraft grounded and many airlines already talking about cutting the fleets back.

Makes you think - did Greta start all this corona stuff just to stop people travelling and ruining the planet.

Thought I'd jump on the idiot's conspiracy theory bandwagon, it's all rather boring at the moment!

Finally living the dream!
trevork Posted - 03 Apr 2020 : 14:43:03
The very best of luck to you and, please, keep us updated!
stratford4528 Posted - 03 Apr 2020 : 07:41:00
I am just making a start on my jet drive.
Mad Harold Posted - 12 Jan 2019 : 16:14:10
My last boat (a Norman 20)outboard powered and because of the crappy canals close to me,was frequently getting the prop clogged with weed,plastic,and my favourite,a plastic bag of dog poo that a thoughtful dog owner had picked up after their pooch,and probably when there was no one about chucked it in the cut.I also had several prop strikes and after buying a new prop and having the old one straightened,I made an adjustable outboard mount in order to vary the depth of the prop according to the conditions.
To work efficiently an outboard needs about 3ft of water,and hanging down below the transom makes the prop very vulnerable.
My experiment was not a success because reducing the prop depth reduced the thrust considerably.
I now have a narrowboat,and the top of the prop is only about 3 inches below the waterline,and gives plenty of thrust.The difference to the Norman being a streamlined swim to the prop and the counter on top.
I am thinking if I get another Norman,as well as the adjustable outboard mount,it should be possible to make a streamlined swim (probably foam and fibreglass)and also a large area swim plate above the prop.
cliveshep Posted - 09 Jan 2019 : 15:57:32
Originally posted by df

Good idea but air compresses too easily so very inefficient and noisy.
Be like farting in the bath and shooting out the other side.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk

A proper turbine compressor would do it, after all look at jet engines, specifically the Harrier flew and hovered mostly on compressed air, the burning jet fuel doesn't produce much thrust, its the combination with the air compressed in a multi-stage compressor that gives the thrust. Of course it would be noisy, and an inboard engine might not be able to spin up the turbine compressor to the required speeds without a torque converter drive and even then.....???

Finally living the dream!
merlin Posted - 09 Jan 2019 : 10:15:41
In the 70s I had a glastron ski boat with a hamilton jet fitted powered by a rover engine (it was the dogs bollocks)
df Posted - 09 Jan 2019 : 07:52:20
Good idea but air compresses too easily so very inefficient and noisy.
Be like farting in the bath and shooting out the other side.

NBAS--The communal colostomy bag of the boating community.
Visit leomagill.co.uk

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